Friday, July 29, 2011

Jess & Jordan Eliminated on July 28

As predictably as Jordan and Caitlynn were in the bottom, Melanie and Sasha were safe for another week. With the boys, it was obvious that Marko would be safe, which sent Jess to the bottom. Now, Jess in the B4 might have been a surprise on any other night, but faced off against Marko? Forget it. The most surprising development of the night came when Tadd and Ricky were pitted against one another. Was anybody thinking Tadd wouldn't advance? Certainly not Nigel (quote: "You will not be biting the dust this week, young man"). Certainly not Mary (quote: "You're gonna land yourself in the finale, I just know it"). Especially when compared to Ricky's (literally) weak performance last night, it seemed certain that Ricky would be sent packing. And yet! Tadd was relegated to the B4, and Ricky was left with a gaping mouth at the shock of being declared safe. Best of all was how Tadd seemed so supportive of Ricky

 Jordan continued to embrace the sexed-up caricature she was saddled with from day one, dancing to Rihanna's "S&M." How many ways can we say "We get it, you're bendy, and you can gyrate your hips" to make it get through to her? Worse, she nearly fell over at one point. Caitlynn, dancing to "What Turns You On" by Katie Simpson, was likewise unsteady on her feet and stumbled out a series of turns. It was better than Jordan's routine, though only marginally
 Jess stayed firmly in his comfort zone, dancing to "Mack the Knife" by Kevin Spacey from Beyond the City..... completing a dizzying series of turns -- a fan kick leap into eight straight-legged fouettés, with at least four pirouettes in between, followed by another eight pirouettes in a row, then a piqué to grow on.
Tadd brought crazy amounts of personality where Jess brought technical excellence.  Dancing to the jubilant end of Beetlejuice (a.k.a. "Jump in the Line" by Harry Belafonte), he strutted out onto the stage, latched onto a piece of set and hung there horizontally for a good five or 10 seconds, gymnast-style. It was a lot more fun than dancing, in a way, but I would argue that Tadd has proved time and again that he can do the technical stuff. And I certainly didn't miss it for one second of his performance, not least of which when he did a flying aerial off the stage and then rand a victory lap around the audience. The finale needs Tadd.

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